Ned Kelly’s old club?

While on air at the ABC this afternoon, i received an unexpected call from the President of the VFL Williamstown Football Club (Apparently, they’re also Ned Kelly’s former club!), Trevor Monti. Trevor wanted to invite me along to their game this Sunday and even shout me to a meal and a couple of drinks as part of the President’s lunch. So it looks like i am up for two games this weekend and it looks like Trevor is a mad keen advocate for his team and i have to say that i am really looking forward to Sunday. Although free drinks at lunch and two games in a row may mean i end up a bit the worse for wear by the time i get to the dome.

Anyone want to tell me what i can expect of the VFL experience? Anyone love/hate Williamstown?

2 Responses to “Ned Kelly’s old club?”

  1. Carla Says:

    hey buddy! Williamstown play Bendigo Bombers this week, who are affiliated with Essendon, so a number of the people you met at the Essendon game will be there! Hope you have time to call around and say gidday 🙂

  2. I've picked my team... « What’s My Team? Says:

    […] A bloke called Trevor Monti, the President of the Williamstown Football Club in the VFL competition called in to try and get me to come and check out some “real footy” last weekend. His Seagulls were taking on the Bombers of Bendigo and he wanted me to check out a […]

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