Southern Hospitality

A good week all round. I think I’ve killed the hex theory. I think I’m good for Geelong and Geelong is good for me.

my hosts

Brian (second from the right) …

After spending every week at either the MCG or the Phone Dome, it was good to actually get to a ground where it feels like the so called “home” team actually lives there. It’s a dumb thing to say but Geelong feels like it belongs in and to Geelong in a way that none of the teams in the ‘G or at the Phone Dome really do. To add to the sense of being in a real community that really connects to its football team, my host Brian called me as i arrived from home, said he could see the ground out his window and that he’d meet me there in 5 minutes. I get the impression that its a well trodden path from home to Kardinia Park and that their corporate box gets well used week in week out when the team plays at home.

It aint the MCG

Nope, definitely not the MCG…

It was lucky that Brian and friends were nearby because I was a bit worried that i’d end up getting to the game a bit earlier than necessary. Drew and Dan had to get there in time to ensure the mikes were plugged in, they’d boned up on the stats from the record and generally do whatever the hell it is that commentators do before a game. I kick myself now for not actually asking whatever the hell that is.

One thing they definitely do is get in a bit a gentle exchange with their rival broadcasters. I’ll probably be ostracised forever for talking about secret commentator’s business out of turn but just near the ground we found ourselves at the lights next to the 3AW van. When the windows were wound down both stations engaged in some good natured banter from the world of commentary and about how all concerned are glad they’re not working for SEN. I am not sure whether this happens every week and then the race was on to the ground and who got the best spot in the car park. Unfortunately 3AW were on the right end of that equation but it was the only result that i was on the wrong end of all afternoon.

Up in the box.

The corporate box…

It’s worth pointing out now that Helen (who called in to the ABC last Friday to tell me not to go to Geelong) has already called back in on Monday to apologise. I guess now is not the time to gloat but Helen actually turned around 180 degrees and asked me to get along to more Geelong games this season! For better or for worse (sorry Richmond fans) i’ve now been part of Geelong’s two best wins of the season – their record breaking thumping of Richmond last week and this dominant display over the previously unbeaten West Coast Eagles – and i have to say that I like being part of that.

after the siren

A scene to warm my heart…

A good win, a change of scenery and good hospitality. There’s a lot to like about Geelong. They even let the kids have a kick and a dream on the footy field after the final siren. What more could you want in a footy team? Well, as i struggled home worse for wear (enough to opt for a night of watching Eurovision) from the whole experience and realised that it had been an 8 hour round trip, it occured to me that the obvious answer would be “a little closer to home.”

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