Does anyone know this idiot?

This Is The Idiot
Has this guy poured beer on your Grandmother? (click to enlarge)

This is a call out for anyone who might be able to help me – particularly my friends from Essendon. I want your help to find this idiot who seems to have emptied his beer over an elderly lady’s head and then spent the next couple of minutes yelling abuse and gloating about it.

Anyone who has been following this blog or my saga on ABC radio will know that I have no team bias. I am new to the sport of Aussie Rules and am spending the winter trying to pick a team by “trying out” being a fan of each of the 16 teams each week.

I went with some great fans of Essendon in an earlier round and last Saturday i went along with some old Fitzroy fans to see their team play as Brisbane. I sat with the Brisbane cheersquad behind the goals at the away end. To be frank, it wasn’t the most thrilling game i’ve seen so far because Essendon totally dominated in the second half and ran away with it. Like every other group of fans i’ve been with, The Lions fans weren’t quite congratulating Essendon on their win but they took it their stride were good humoured about it and came up with a bunch of slightly unconvincing theories about how it was still a good omen for the future.

For most of the game i sat next to Ros, a woman well into her sixties who had been following the Fitzroy (now Brisbane) Lions for over 55 years. She is the sort of woman who is the backbone of any club and i’m sure the sort of person that any true fan of any team and any sport would respect and appreciate. During the game she proudly showed me the collection of old Fitzroy memorabilia that she has carried in her purse for the decade or more since the Roy Boys moved to Brisbane and told me stories about following the club as they moved grounds and ultimately cities over the years. I”m not sure she’ll like me saying that her playing days are probably behind her – she gets around with the use of a walking stick and would struggle to pass the pre-season fitness test.

At the end of the game, as a couple of us were helping Ros get her things together and get to her feet when a man who i can best describe as a tool (who i believe was the guy who’s photo is pictured above) decided to make some kind of point by pouring his beer all over our heads from the tier above. I am not sure what the hell he thought he was proving by attacking an elderly lady from the safety of 10 metres above her but the guy was so shameless about it that he stayed there for a full couple of minutes while i took this photograph gesturing with his middle finger, waving his empty beer cup around and shouting expletives that i certainly wouldn’t use around my grandmother. [Ros has probably heard it all at the football before but she is very old school herself – during the game i was charmed by the way she was yelling “Oh… Shhhhhh… Shhhh… Sugar” and “Oh… Shhh… Shhhh… Shivers” as things went wrong for her team]

I am not calling for vigilante action or that anyone beat up this guy or anything. I don’t even need to name him but given that I managed to capture him on my camera phone i thought it might be good to share it in the hope that someone would get him to read this. To be fair, i didn’t look up until until a second after the beer landed on us. Maybe the pictured guy will contact me with a perfectly convincing explanation about why he was merely flipping the bird and yelling at at an elderly woman who had just had a beer tipped on her head by someone next to him – i’ll gladly run it in the blog.

Can someone to point him to this story when he sobers up, ask him how he’d react if someone attacked his grandmother unprovoked and get him to take a good hard look at himself?

Your help is appreciated.

10 Responses to “Does anyone know this idiot?”

  1. Top Posts « Says:

    […] Does anyone know this idiot? […]

  2. Want(Mon)friesWithThat Says:

    I saw that. I was sitting next to the Brisbane Lions cheersquad.

    The guy was a total cockhead.

    He got his mates to do it too. I saw the Brisbane Lions supporter take that photo too.

    + The tool dropped his sunglasses from that tier and some Lions supporter threw them back up to him, in the process of catching them he accidently spilt his beer and then began delibrately spilling it over the cheersquad.

    I thought it was a very average performance.

  3. Padre Says:

    u should get in touch with the AFL footy show and shame this moron..

  4. Marc Says:

    Looks like Ricky Ponting.

  5. cpwatex Says:

    Ya….! lolz itz like Rick Ponting hehehe!!! lolZZ!

  6. Cockhead Says:

    It was me, and it was fuckin´ funny!! LOL

  7. Guyguy Says:

    AFL sucks.
    but yeah i hope someone finds that cock head

  8. outraged Says:

    This is an outrage, i tell you, an outrage! And a shock! And a khan! And a shock a khan! Booyah biznichiz! I’m out.

  9. Ryan Says:

    Sadly… There is no cure for stupid.

  10. Jim Says:

    He’s a Detroit Lions fan; and he is surrounded by the largest group of idiots there ever was in one place. He is in the stands of Ford Field in Detroit.

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