Archive for the ‘Russell Crowe’ Category

Been busy/ slack…

May 3, 2007

Just a quick life update about why i have been so slack at updating things here before i get around to posting some actual updates on the games…

What’s My Team ™ kind of came about because over the last 6 months or so my life has been stupidly lazy. This was a huge contrast to most of the ten years before that when my life was insanely busy. My day job since i moved to Melbourne 4 years was directing a festival (the Next Wave Festival and also a big part of the Cultural Festival of the Commonwealth Games) it was a great job but also kind of frantic and mad. For example, i found myself doing crazy things like visiting 19 cities, in 12 countries in 58 days (Flickr photo set featuring lots of bad shots of my tired looking head on every continent here).
